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19 results

1. Certifications

- Certificate in GermanCertified welding company in accordance with ÖNORM EN ISO 3834-2 Certified welding company in accordance with ÖNORM EN ISO 3834-2 Certificate in GermanCertified in accordance…

2. Imprint

- Media Owner Kraft&Wärme Rohr und Anlagentechnik GmbH 7. Haidequerstraße 1 A-1110 Vienna T +43 50 626-4953 Value Added Tax Identification Number: ATU 37002907 Legal…

3. Home

- Water We secure water supplies. We secure water supplies. Gas Gas mains require careful handling. Gas mains require careful handling. District heating & district cooling Keeping temperatures at…

4. Projects

- Ultimately, successful projects are what counts. In the course of our long company history, we have successfully completed a whole host of large-scale projects. Here is a small selection of…

5. Services

- Water We secure water supplies. We secure water supplies. Gas Gas mains require careful handling. Gas mains require careful handling. District heating & district cooling Keeping temperatures at…

6. Company

- About us We demand perfection in pipeline installation. We demand perfection in pipeline installation. History Kraft&Wärme, est. 1928. Kraft&Wärme, est. 1928. Locations Central location, national…

8. Compliance

- Treating all parties with fairness. The PORR Group has had strict, Group-wide compliance guidelines in place for well over a decade to ensure that all stakeholders are treated fairly. Adhering to…

9. Locations

- Central location, national services. From our office at 7. Haidequerstrasse 1, 1110 Vienna, we serve our customers across Austria.

10. Management

- Managing Director Uwe Gattermayr Uwe Gattermayr Managing Director Mario Posch Mario Posch Quality, tradition and innovation – a recipe for success. The management of Kraft&Wärme is utterly…

11. History

- Kraft&Wärme, est. 1928. Kraft&Wärme has provided outstanding heating, sanitary and ventilation installation services to its customers since 1928 and expanded its portfolio to include pipeline…

12. Water

- Site management Kurt Karner Kurt Karner We secure water supplies. Kraft&Wärme is your expert partner when it comes to laying and installing pipelines. Ensuring that we handle the life-giving…

13. Gas

- Site management Norbert Vogelsinger Norbert Vogelsinger Gas mains require careful handling. Gas is a fossil fuel and an important natural resource for heating both residential and commercial…

14. District heating . District cooling

- Keeping temperatures at optimum levels. No matter whether you want to heat your building or cool it, district heating and district cooling are alternative, environmentally friendly methods to…

15. Bridge drainage systems

- Site management Roland König Roland König Experience and expertise in drainage systems. Kraft&Wärme can draw on decades of experience and extensive expertise in the installation of drainage…

16. Fire-fighting water supply pipes

- Specialist expertise on infrastructure projects. Kraft&Wärme is your specialist partner for the installation of fire-fighting water supply pipes in road tunnels, railway tunnels and underground…

17. About us

- Managing Director Gerhard Zahnt Gerhard Zahnt We demand perfection in pipeline installation. In addition to our traditional core business of installing pipes in open trenches, we are also…

18. Fernkälteversorgungsleitung Privatklinik Rudolfinerhaus

- Fernkälteversorgungsleitung Privatklinik Rudolfinerhaus In 2019, Viennese utility provider Wiener Netze GmbH held a best-bidder tender procedure for the installation of a new district cooling…

19. Scheunenstrasse connecting pipeline

- Scheunenstrasse connecting pipeline Vienna’s 10th district is home to the Unterlaa reservoir operated by Vienna municipal department 31 – Wiener Wasser.  The reservoir supplies water to Oberlaa,…