Scheunenstrasse connecting pipeline
Company | Kraft & Wärme Rohr & Anlagentechnik GmbH NL Wien |
Principal | MA 31 – Wiener Wasser (Vienna Water department) |
Location | Vienna - Austria |
Type | Pipeline construction |
Runtime | 05.2018 - 10.2018 |
Guaranteed water supply.
Vienna’s 10th district is home to the Unterlaa reservoir operated by Vienna municipal department 31 – Wiener Wasser. The reservoir supplies water to Oberlaa, Unterlaa and Vienna’s spa, Therme Wien.
To improve the reliability of the distribution pipes in Scheunen street (Scheunenstrasse), a new connecting pipeline was needed. This pipeline was manufactured as a ductile DN 600 cast pipe around 185m long, clad in cement mortar. The Kraft&Wärme team then laid the cast pipe in the open pipe trench and connected it together using longitudinal friction-locking socket joints.
To supply the new DN 600 pipe, Kraft&Wärme connected it to an existing DN 1000 steel pipeline. In order to ensure that the water supply to the population in the supplied area was not put at risk during the work, the employer authorised the DN 100 pipeline to be shut off only for a very short time period.
It was essential to meet the intermediate deadline, which was associated with high contractual penalties. The Kraft&Wärme team therefore decided to prepare the moulded parts in advance in the workshop. The galvanized steel moulded parts were then installed on the construction site in a newly built shaft chamber. A drainage pipe was also laid so the newly laid pipelines could be emptied for maintenance work. This was 120m long, with dimensions PE DA 225, and connected via an existing channel.